7 Ways to Have a Safe Halloween

Halloween may be fun, but there are some risks. Read more to have the safest Halloween!

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. I decorate the house, wear a costume to work, and sit outside to give candy to the neighborhood kids. It’s so fun seeing the adorable and creative costumes everyone comes up with. As with most holidays and events involving kids, safety is an issue. We have to consider safety regarding costumes, pumpkin carving, trick-or-treating, and candy consumption. Here are 7 tips to keep in mind.

  1. When buying costumes, make sure they fit well to avoid tripping and they don’t contain any obstructive or sharp accessories.
  2. If buying a mask, make sure it fits well with wide eye openings to avoid blocking your child’s vision.
  3. Only use non-toxic Halloween makeup and test it on a small part of the skin before use. Avoid using colored contacts that can damage the eye.
  4. Always supervise children who are carving pumpkins or let them draw on the pumpkin first and let adults do the carving.
  5. If using lit candles in the pumpkin, do not leave it near anything that can catch fire and never leave it unattended. Try small tea lights instead.
  6. An adult should always accompany small children while trick-or-treating. Make sure everyone wears reflective tape or carries a flashlight. Instruct children to stay together, don’t run ahead or in the street, only go to homes that are lit up and to always stay on the sidewalk.
  7. Don’t let children eat candy while out trick-or-treating to avoid choking. If your child has food allergies, check all labels first or look for non-candy items. Homes with a teal pumpkin have allergy-free treats.
With good planning, Halloween can be a safe and fun holiday for kids of all ages. Review all safety rules before heading out and be prepared to have a good time. Check out Dr. Friedman talking about Halloween safety on Fox 5 San Diego.